
pronunciation: /Īdzuna/
We’re not designing pages, we’re designing systems of components. — Stephen Hay
Iizuna is available for use under the MIT software license.
You can report bugs and discuss features on the GitHub issues page.
To dive into the development you can take a look at the sample page. There you will find some simple example components and a ready to use build process.
Our wiki with the documentation can be found here.
npm install iizuna --save
Websites using iizuna
- https://www.babtec.de/en
- https://corny.de
- https://www.bemm.de
- https://www.hogrefe.com/de/
What is iizuna?
Iizuna came from the idea of designing a truly developer-friendly framework. Many of today’s TypeScript frameworks, such as Angular or React, are not designed to be used on pages that rely on old-fashioned server-side rendering.
This framework is really easy to use because it basically consists of only one building block, the component.
These components reflect rough HTML elements. Selectors (currently only data-attributes) define which elements are decorated with the business-logic you develop.
Additional attributes allow additional configuration of the components, making them easily reusable.
First of all a few explanations to some of the words used in this framework.
The class containing the business logic. Not to be confused with the Individual-Component.
The objects instantiated based by the Component they are descendants of. For each matching element on the page, which matches the component selector, a Individual-Component is created.
Global Events
CustomEvents which are dispatched directly to the document.
First, a component must be declared. Here we declare a simple “scroll to top” button.
// scroll-top.component.ts
import {AbstractComponent, Component, ElementAttribute, EventListener, smoothScroll} from "iizuna";
* Decorate the declared component class with the @Component decorator (the magic happens here)
* define the data- selector which should be used to identify the element
* (matches scroll-top and data-scroll-top)
selector: 'scroll-top'
export class ScrollTopComponent extends AbstractComponent {
* Declare a class property and decorate it via the @ElementAttribute decorator which automatically retrieves the attribute value of the element on page load.
* (800 if the element would look like this <button scroll-top duration="800">To top!</button>)
* If the attribute is not specified, the default value (in this case 500) is used
protected duration = 500;
* Attach a simple click listener to the element.
* You can also define multiple listeners of the same kind if you specify the listener name as first argument for the @EventListener decorator like:
* @EventListener('click')
* public clickOne() {
* }
* @EventListener('click')
* public clickTwo() {
* }
public click() {
smoothScroll(0, +this.duration);
Then we need to register the created component for bootstrapping.
// main.ts
import {ComponentFactory} from "iizuna";
import {ScrollTopComponent} from "./scroll-top.component";
Now we just have to define the html and call the page (after building the javascript of cause).
<!-- index.html -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no"/>
<title>TypeScript Components</title>
<button scroll-top duration="1000">To Top 1000ms</button>
<script src="build.js"></script>
Take a look at the examples if you want to see more advanced component configurations.